Thursday, August 12, 2010


It has been such a long and tiring couple of weeks. Jady and I haven't sat down for what seems like days. Last week Jady's uncle passed away and brought so many difficult questions to mind. Many of his family members were in town and our nights were spent visiting with them. It was so great to see everyone but sad that they were for such a tragic event. Sunday we rented a party barge on the lake where about 35ish of his family members came aboard. The boat was really only meant for 23 but somehow it didn't sink. A few of us not so brave ones decided to unload to make the boat a little lighter. I am glad I got off when I did. Jady came home looking hot pink. Needless to say he is still burnt and beginning to peel. I am more for the air conditioned rooms :)

My training for work was also last week. I left at the end of the week feeling very frustrated and not sure if this was the right job for me. School started this week on Tuesday and everything is slowly starting to come together. I am hoping that my staff begins to trust me soon and that they become used to me as well. I am excited for a new school year and a new start in my life.

TUESDAY IS THE BIG DAY!! We find out if this little thing inside my stomach that kicks, move and squirms all day is a girl or boy. I cannot wait! It will be such a wonderful thing to be able to call it him or her instead of baby "it". I have also had the worst cough, runny nose and snot a person could ask for. The doctor says that this happens with pregnant woment and the only thing you can really do is wait it out. Yeehaw! I have been doing that for about 3 weeks. Oh well, I guess it's the price you pay for something that you love. I haven't even met this little one yet but I love it some much. I can't imagine a single day without feeling it kick, move or squirm. Even though none of this was planned, I am beginning to see more and more every day why it was in someone else's plan. That's all for now. Hopefully pictures and more positive things coming soon :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Productive Day = Happy Mommy To Be!!!

I started off the day with a Dr.'s visit! Everything is going very well. The heartbeat was 166 beats per minute and I am scheduled to have my next ultrasound on August 17th. That ultrasound will determine boy or girl. I cannot wait to find out!!!! I haven't gained any weight since I found out that I was pregnant so that is a good thing too. Overall, it was a great visit.

I had a visitor today too! My friend Abbie from college came to my house to help me get organized/motivated. She was a HUGE help. We tackled the kitchen, living room and bedroom. I wish I could put up before and after pictures but am very glad I did not take any. I am so thankful for the people who have helped me unpack and decide where to put things. Moving into a house and getting to decided where everything goes is not as easy as it seems. I have been working on the nursery this week too. It is CRAMMED with stuff that Jady wants to sell on Ebay and just hasn't had time to do it. I am hoping that Sunday we will be able to do some of the things we haven't had time for in awhile.

I also made some pretty yummy Taco Soup for supper. My friend Sarah Hubert gave me some recipe cards with all of their favorite recipes on them for Christmas. Here is the recipe. I hope you all like it as much as I do!

Crock Pot Taco Soup

1 lb. beef or turkey, browned
1 can corn, undrained
1 can creamed corn
26 oz. diced tomatoes
*1 large can refried beans (secret ingredient!!!!)
1 pkg. taco seasoning
1 cup of water
1 can black beans, rinsed and drained

Dump all ingredients in a crock pot, cook on low for 8 hours. (be sure to cook meat first. A friend of mine forgot and didn't turn out hahaha)

Serve with fritos or tortilla chips, shredded cheese, sour cream, etc.

Enjoy :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Summer Is Coming to an End!

This picture was taken before church. I am about 15 weeks here but as of tomorrow I am starting my 17th week. It is so hard for me to believe that I am already starting my 5th month. We go to the doctor for a check up tomorrow and then in 2 weeks we will find out if we are having a girl or boy. I am really excited to find out but really nervous about the reality that will set in at that point. So far the only thing that has made me feel pregnant is the puking and nausea. I feel great now but I know that the realness of it all will be coming very soon!

I am sad but excited that summer is coming to a close. I have been contracted at Ferdinand Elementary all summer doing a tutoring program. I have enjoyed it but it has been very long. Next Wednesday is our last day and we are planning a water games day. The other teacher and I were hoping to do some fun activities throughout the summer outside but due to the heat we have stayed indoors. This will be a great way to reward the students on their hardwork this summer!

My training for my new job at Springs Valley begins next week as well. I will be the Site Coordinator for the After School Program through Hoosier Uplands. I cannot wait to meet my new assistants and begin working again! I am looking forward to having a set schedule each day and something to keep my mind off the other things I need to do elsewhere. I have never had freedom in any job that I have had so this one will be a great way to use the things that I have learned in school.

I am also learning to be a thrifty shopper with It is a great blog that updates coupons, freebies and sweepstakes daily. I love the coupons that are posted for groceries, diapers and other baby items as well as clothing. I am hoping that blogging will help me become a "Do It Yourself" kind of mom. My cousin Shannon has all kinds of neat things on her blog that I am hoping to be able to do this winter when I can't get out.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Getting Rid of JUNK!!!!

Recently we have decided to EBAY everything possible that we don't need or want in hopes of gaining some extra cash. We have sold 6 or 7 pairs of jeans but it is SOOOO much work. There are piles and piles of clothes and books in what should be the babies nursery. So if you know of anyone who needs any jeans that are 34x34 and are name brand...LET ME KNOW! They are yours. Also lots and lots of button up striped and checkered men's shirts. ALL MUST GO TO YOUR CLOSET TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Getting Started

I first have to give credit to our blog name to my friend Cassie. I asked her to help come up with "catchy" names and she had a lot of them. She decided that One Hill At a Time would be perfect name since most things that we do are either done backwards or not even close to what you should do at first. She gets me so that's all that really matters. So thanks Cassie!!

The picture below is of my new home! I am really excited to start making it actually look like a home in the next few weeks. It's hard to do when you have boxes and boxes of junk that you bring from every place that you have ever lived. Hopefully once my new job starts in the next couple of weeks it will clear some things out! I'm not promising anything though.
The picture to the left of (I'm not exactly sure how to post pictures yet in the places you want for now they go wherever) is the current condition of the garage. SCARY!! I am dreaming of the day you can actually put a car inside but I am not exactly certain when that day will come.

I do have to give Jady credit for his great craftmanship with these fine shelves! He cut them with a saw and EVERYTHING!! Very proud! I don't really think that either one of us are DIY material but he has started to prove me wrong. I am hoping that about 8 more shelves will help get most of the (my) clutter out of the garage.

On the other side of things. I am now 15 weeks pregnant. No more morning sickness, nausea or vomiting! I can actually start to enjoy the small things of being pregnant. My belly is starting to get round and another appointment next Thursday to determine how well things are going. In about 3 more weeks I will know whether we are having a boy or girl. I am getting really excited! Jady really wants a boy and I am not sure which one I prefer. I have a few flashbacks of what I was like when I was little. I am pretty sure I am going to get paid back for everything that I ever did. YIKES!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

From the Beginning

Jady and I have decided to start a blog (thanks to inspiration from my cousin Shannon) to help document important things we want to remember during our pregnancy, nursery pictures and other projects.. Like it or not, we have went through many "hilly" (hence our blog name :) events in the last few months but we are going to have a BABY! I can't wait to smell it, hold it, and do all those awkward things you see mommy's do. I am hoping that my blogging skills get better as we go along. Stay tuned for pictures, updated information on dr.'s appointments and projects!!